Nonprofit Organizations Like Charities and Arts Organization Are Types of Local Advertisers

Networks & Councils

The Private Sector Network of Americans for the Arts is comprised of local arts organizations, creative businesses, and local authorities leaders, that piece of work together to foster arts and non-arts business partnerships, and engage business leaders every bit arts advocates in their local communities. Historically the network of local arts organizations included Arts & Business organization Councils, Business organization Committees for the Arts, and United Arts Funds. Today, the Private Sector Network supports any organizations and individuals working to strengthen the connection between the non- and for-profit arts sectors.

Americans for the Arts convenes this network both in-person and about to share all-time practices, resources, and training.

To larn more about the Private Sector Network, it's Advisory Council, and the different types of service organizations in this network, please visit our Private Sector Network page.

Business Committee for the Arts

The Concern Commission for the Arts (BCA) of Americans for the Arts was founded in 1967 past David Rockefeller, and encourages, inspires, and stimulates businesses to support the arts in the workplace, in education, and in the community. The Business Committee for the Arts of Americans for the Arts is comprised of companies and their leaders within who recognize the function the arts play in advancing business organisation goals and transforming communities. Member companies and their leadership serve as ambassadors for the mission and engage on cardinal initiatives including messaging, advocacy, and strategic alliances within the individual-sector community. Concern Commission for the Arts members demonstrate a commitment to positively impacting the arts in America. With admission to a community of likeminded companies and peers, the network is a catalyst for greater leverage of the arts to address broad business organisation, community and social issues.

Inclusive Creative Economy Advisory Groups

Since tardily 2019, a broad cross-department of local, state, regional and national advisors have guided Americans for the Arts in the development of its current Inclusive Artistic Economy Strategic Plan. We thank these individuals for their time, energy, and honesty in shaping this body of piece of work. Opportunities are open up for input, feedback and engagement with the continued development of tools, learning, and resources, and we invite you to achieve out if interested in participating. We seek to develop strong partnerships and alliances with individuals and organizations on an ongoing basis to evolve this work.

Run into the full listing of participants from 2019 through 2021.

Americans for the Arts' Arts & Concern Partnership Initiatives department provides resource, training, and professional evolution to its dual audition of arts services providers and concern leaders, relying on The pARTnership Move hub every bit the primary vehicle.

The pARTnership Movement demonstrates the underlying unifying nature of arts and business partnerships. It prepares arts organizations to position themselves as key partners to help accelerate business organization objectives, while communicating to business organisation the value and importance of partnering with the arts to proceeds a competitive edge.

For Arts

Professional Evolution

We offer a range of opportunities for professional development to build capacity for partnership development. From 1-60 minutes webinars, to half-solar day, deep-dive intensives, our programs cover a variety of topics including partnering with your chamber of commerce, building an inclusive artistic economy, exploring the concepts of the pARTnership Movement, employee engagement and more. These programs are conducted via the Americans for the Arts ArtsU platform and are free or reduced-priced for members.


We provide ample opportunities for arts and culture leaders who are working to build relationships with businesses to connect and larn from one some other. We offer regular peer networking conference calls, social opportunities during the Almanac Convention programming, listserv connections (for members, see below) and topic-specific convenings such as through our United Arts Fund Network. Serving on our Private Sector Network Advisory Quango also provides a leadership opportunity for members of Americans for the Arts to connect with peers and advise the organization on services and programming for the field.


Americans for the Arts staff is available to provide training for local arts communities on edifice business pARTnerships. Rooted in the pARTnership Motility eight Reasons and prinicpals, ane to four-hour workshops are customizable depending on the audience and its interests, covering a range of topics including arts and business organization 101, relationship edifice, employee date, and program building. Longer training sessions are available. Additional focus on a group'south special interest area, such as partnering with the arts to further economic development, or arts advocacy efforts in a community tin exist included.

Workshops and trainings can be combined with other conversations to help position cross-sector partnerships. Staff is bachelor to meet with your bedroom of commerce, public sector, and foundation partners; in conversation or at events. Please contact us to learn more than.

For Business organization

Arts & Business Partnership Awards

The Arts and Business Partnership Award is a national recognition given annually to businesses that take mutually beneficial, innovative, and sustained partnerships with the arts. Each yr, winners of this laurels are celebrated at The Arts and Business Partnership Awards Gala in New York City and become part of a network of like-minded businesses and leaders. These companies prepare the standard for excellence and serve as role models for others to follow. Americans for the Arts has honored companies across the nation, including Microsoft, Hallmark, Scholastic, and Walt Disney World Resort.

Business Committee for the Arts

The Business Committee for the Arts of Americans for the Arts is comprised of companies and their leaders within who recognize the role the arts play in advancing concern goals and transforming communities. Member companies and their leadership serve as ambassadors for the mission and engage on key initiatives including messaging, advancement, and strategic alliances within the private-sector customs. With access to a community of likeminded companies and peers, the network is a goad for greater leverage of the arts to address broad business, customs and social issues.

Business Spotlight Series

The Business organization Spotlight series highlights some of the nation's most pro-arts business concern leaders whose work continues to push the boundaries of arts and business organisation partnerships.

Business Spotlight highlights

Partnerships in Practice

Through news items and long form success stories, the pARTnership movement highlights exemplary businesses partnerships with the arts. Larn almost companies like yours who champion the arts!

Convenings and Conversations

  • BCA members have access to an array of almanac activities and resources curated to come across specific business needs and to create opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement and networking.
  • BCA Field Trips. Includes an annual one-day immersive experience showcasing the all-time of business organization and arts collaboration. The bout rotates to a different U.South. city each year. In 2021 this will be in digital form.
  • BCA Noesis Exchanges. Includes a suite of conference calls featuring peer guest speakers and experts; access to ArtsU online trainings; and Roundtables. Knowledge Exchanges deliver information and resource almost the latest hot topics driving corporate innovation and impact.
  • BCA Speakers. An annual serial of presentation opportunities for the CEOs of BCA member companies and/or their designated representatives at events organized by Americans for the Arts, including the BCA Knowledge Exchanges; the National Arts Action Height in Washington, D.C.; and the Annual Convention, and National Arts Marketing Briefing in rotating cities beyond the land. Speaking opportunities for BCA members may also be available through our strategic partner events and conferences. In 2021, these will be virtual opportunities.

Partnering Your Way to Success: The Arts as a Solution to Corporate Objectives

This digital serial is intended for businesses and their executive and senior leaders across business units, and features representatives throughout the land sharing arts-based models of programs, exhibits, and partnerships that accept benefitted their companies. With one session focused on case-studies and a follow-up roundtable word, we hope to provide business organisation leaders with creative strategies to realize business goals. Each word will also feature an arts activation or performance to demonstrate how the arts tin exist used in business organisation settings to engage and connect with employees and customers during this time of social distancing.

Arts & Concern Connectedness

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, Arts & Business Connectedness. We characteristic exemplary partnerships, spotlights of business organisation leaders, and more than!

Employee Engagement

Workbooks, toolkits, and enquiry to engage employees in the arts inside companies and throughout the community.

Instance-Making Resources & Toolkits

For quick reference, conversation starters, how-to guides, examples of great arts and business partnerships, and succinct data points, our pARTnership Movement Fact Sheets, Success Stories, and Toolkits are designed to help both arts and business leaders strengthen their connections.


For Americans for the Arts Members, the Private Sector Network listserv is a mode to connect directly with other professionals working at the intersection of arts and business organization beyond the state.


Americans for the Arts conducts inquiry that provides physical evidence of the strength of the arts every bit an economic, community, and social innovation commuter. We produce the post-obit research studies:

  • Americans Speak Out About the Arts, a Public Opinion Poll that shows how creativity and the arts lead to creative workers
  • Arts & Economical Prosperity, measuring the economical impact of the nonprofit arts and civilization sector
  • Business Contributions to the Arts, showing trends in business concern back up of the arts
  • Artistic Industries Study, detailing past canton and legislative commune, the for-profit artistic industries beyond America
  • Profile of Local Arts Agencies, an annual report of America's four,500 local arts agencies, with information and special modules on cross-sector partnerships
  • United Arts Fund Annual Statistical Report of Campaign Revenues, tracking the revenues and distribution of the nation's United Arts Funds.


Arts and concern leaders are regularly invited to provide thought leadership, share stories, and offer insight as to what makes a not bad partnership. Read through recent posts, and if interested in contributing, delight contact our staff.

Social Touch on Explorer

The arts make more things possible, from better didactics to greater health outcomes to a more civically-engaged citizenry—just people don't always see the connection to the arts when modify happens. From workforce development and job security to innovation, public safety, infrastructure, and more than, this online tool illuminates the important ways the arts intersect with Americans' twenty-four hour period-to-24-hour interval lives.

Strategic Partners

Strategic partnerships are crucial to Americans for the Arts because they champion an idea that is fundamental to our twenty-four hour period-to-twenty-four hours work: the arts are a vital tool that tin can address broad-ranging challenges across sectors and from every corner of our country. Our system has a long history of partnering with individuals and organizations in sectors including regime, business, philanthropy, and entertainment.

The Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives serves more than seven,500 chamber of commerce professionals, ane,300 chambers of commerce and hundreds of other businesses and organizations, similar convention and visitors bureaus and economic development organizations. Chamber professionals hold positions requiring leadership, vision and exemplary direction skills. ACCE helps chambers of commerce and the people who manage them make a difference in the communities they serve.

CECP (Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy) is a coalition of CEOs united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure out of business organization functioning.

The Conference Board is a global, contained business membership and research association working in the public involvement. Its mission is to provide the globe'southward leading organizations with the practical knowledge they demand to better their operation and improve serve society.

The U.S. Sleeping room of Commerce is the world's largest concern organization representing companies of all sizes across every sector of the economic system. Our members range from the small businesses and local chambers of commerce that line the Main Streets of America to leading industry associations and big corporations.


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