Erwin Data Modeler Interface Is Funny

Data Modeling:

Data Modeling is the process of creating a model for the data to be stored in database. Data modelling helps in organising the data it also emphasises as to what data is needed. It helps to build the conceptual model and set the relationship between data items. It also helps in visual representation of data and enforces business rules, regulatory compliance and government policies on the data. Data modeling defines and analyzes data requirements needed to support the business processes within the scope of corresponding information systems in organizations.  It represents data objects, the associations between different data objects, and the rules.

There is no final data model for a business or application. Instead, a data model is a document that will change in response to a changing business. Data modelling is used as a detailing technique. It is the process of making the diagram of relationships between various information that are to be stored in the database. It helps to think a systematic manner about the key data points to be stored and retrieved and how the grouping needs to be done.

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Different data models have different purpose

When any organisation starts data modelling, It is important to know about the purpose of data model. There are 3 types of data models Conceptual data models, logical data models and physical data models.

  • Conceptual Data Models: It defines the scope of the model, A  High-level, static business structures and concepts.
  • Logical Data Models: It involves Entity types, data attributes and relationships between entities, describes the structure of some domain of information
  • Physical Data Models: It is the internal schema database design, describes the physical means used to store data.

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Tools for data modelling

1. Erwin Data Modeler

ERwin. CA ERwin Data Modeler is a data modeling and database design tool. It can be used to create conceptual, logical, and physical data models. Erwin Data Modeler (erwin DM) finds, visualize, design, deploy and standardize high-quality enterprise data assets. It can discover and record any data from anywhere to achieve consistency, clarity and manual reuse in large-scale data integration, master data management, metadata management, big data, business intelligence and analysis plans, while supporting data governance and Intelligence work.

Visualize any data from anywhere within a single interface, whether in a relational database, data warehouse or in the cloud, regardless of location, you can view structured or unstructured enterprise data.

  • It is a Automated Data Model &Database Schema Generation, which  Automatically generates data models and database designs to increase efficiency and reduce errors.
  • It Provides Centralized Model Development & Management.
  • It also helps in Data Literacy, Collaboration & Accountability. Which further Improves data intelligence and decision-making across the enterprise.
  • Flexible applications use a hybrid architecture to integrate and create applications, including traditional, big data, cloud and on-premises. • Improving data quality. By using data models to define and deploy corporate data standards, you will achieve greater consistency and better quality in data management. • Reduce automation risks and costs with standardized definitions and data structures. It also allows you to test changes and new applications before starting work.
  • Successful Cloud Adoption Automated schema engineering and deployment accelerates and ensures successful adoption of cloud platforms, like Snowflake, including auto documenting existing schema into reusable models.

2. Archi

An open source modelling toolk it to create ArchiMate models and sketches. It offers a low-cost solution for users of the ArchiMate modeling language or for people looking for the open-source ArchiMate cross-platform modeling tool for their company.

Dynamic viewpoints allow you to change ArchiMate's point of view at any time. Any items that are not allowed for this viewpoint are hidden. Dynamic viewpoints allow you to change the viewpoint. No need to determine in advance what the point of view will be.Hints View Helping you understand ArchiMate. It provides hint option and by which we can decide as to which element to use, or what relationship to connect.

  • The Visualiser Connecting the dots. The Model displays the selected element and all its relationships with other model elements in a radial-tree graphic.
  • Cross Platform Windows, Mac or Linux?  It covers all , Archi is fully cross-platform as it is written in Java on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform.
  • Sketch View Sketching ideas. Brainstorm ideas with elements written on "stickies".  It designs and creates soft models thus providing a sketch
  • It provides Canvas Modelling Toolkit which helps Create own canvas world. The Canvas Modelling Toolkit provides the tools for to create and edit.


SqlDBM tool provides an easy way to design your database on any browser, working away without the need for any other database engine or database modeling tools or apps.

  • Focus on modeling rather than syntax
  • Strategic Partner Snowflake is the only data platform built for the cloud for all the data & all users. It can create database models, generate DDL script, and use all features with Snowflake specifics.
  • Easy way to collaborate with teamMake your process transparent. It helps to Collaborate across teams: DB Developers, Project Managers, and Analysts.
  • Advanced functionality to enhance modelling Control versions of your project, generate alter scripts. And It allows to convert the project into other DB/DW.
  • Powerful Visualization and documentation Brings the existing DB/DW to SqlDBM to automatically create a database model that provides a powerful and effective visualization.

4. Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect

The perfect enterprise wide solution to visualise, analyse, model, test and maintain all of your systems, software, processes and architectures. Enterprise Architect is the platform which helps to stay in control of the workspace, It enables collaboration and build confidence among the team in most complex projects.

The Model, manages, traces and  Captures the formal requirements to design, build, deployment and beyond. It Uses impact analysis to trace all the proposed changes to original requirements.

Enterprise Architect's built-in requirements management features is used to:

  • Define an organized, hierarchical requirements model
  • Trace the implementation of system requirements to model elements
  • Search and report on requirements
  • Perform impact analysis of proposed changes to requirements

High performance

  • Load extremely large models in seconds
  • Fast Enterprise Architect users agree that Enterprise Architect is an incredibly fast performer downloading very large models in seconds.
  •  Collaborate effectively globally
  • With tightly integrated version control capabilities and deployable cloud servers, Enterprise Architect also enables globally distributed teams to collaborate effectively on common projects.

5. Toad Data Modeler

Easy-to-use, multi-platform database modeling

  • Visualization Visualization of database structures and a better understanding of existing databases and relationships. Create high-quality logical and physical data models. Provides reverse engineering in existing database structures for viewing them in a diagram. Generate detailed HTML, RTF or PDF reports.
  •  Data modeling. Create high-quality database structures or automatically make changes to existing models, as well as provide documentation on multiple platforms. Create complex logical and physical models of the relationships of objects, and it is also easy to reverse and direct engineering databases.
  • Database flexibility. Connect multiple databases simultaneously and independently, including Oracle, SAP, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, Ingres and Microsoft Access. Synchronizes models with existing databases using scripting scripts. Updates model features.

6. PgModeler

PgModeler is an open-source tool for creating and editing database models with an intuitive interface.

  • Easy to use. The simple and intuitive interface makes it easy to create and edit database models. The form indicates which fields should be filled to ensure that the SQL code is generated correctly.
  • Open source free to obtain, modify and distribute source code. The project has a public repository. This gives full access to the source code. Existing code can help developers create their own versions.
  • Multiplatform Built on top of Qt framework, pgModeler can be compiled on Windows, Linux and macOS. The build scripts are easily configurable and  resolves specific dependencies on each operational system.
  • It is a Dynamic code generation Design once and export to multiple versions.
  • Plug-ins support Missing some functionality? Use the plug-in development interface and create your own extension for pgModeler without change a single line of the core code.
  • Collaborative development Developer or not you can collaborate! Give your feedback with suggestions for improvements, submit UI translations, report bugs and much more via pgModeler's page at GitHub.

7. DeZign for Databases

  • Visual Database Modeling With following features :- Entity Relationship Diagramming.
  • Industry standard design notations. It can draw the entity relationship diagram (ERD) based on data modelling notations defined by IDEF1X or Crow's Foot (Information engineering).
  • Multiple display modes. The software displays model information at various levels.
  • Pan and zoom window. It helps to Quickly navigate around large diagrams with the help of Pan and Zoom window.
  • ER-Modelling. DeZign for Databases supports the ER-modelling techniques. Some advanced features like many-to-many relationships and sub categories  are also supported. "DeZign for Databases" takes care of the translation of the ER-Diagram to the physical database.
  • Forward and Reverse Engineering :- DeZign for Databases can generate databases directly from the data models (ER-diagrams). And can Derive a graphical data model from existing databases, for both relational and big data platforms
  • Database/Model Synchronization data modelling product offers bi-directional compare and synchronize functionality for all synchronization use cases: model-to-database, model-to-script, database-to-model, script-to-model, model-to-model. Model-Driven Collaboration If any need is there to develop large models with many modellers, it is  preferred  to store your model in a (server-based) repository database.
  • Model Maintenance and Reporting;- DeZign for Databases extends your modeling power with subdiagrams. It can break a large or complex model into smaller and easier to maintain subdiagrams. It has flexiblity, customizable reporting and printing capabilities.
  • Better Database Designs It provides Model validation. And  validate a model for errors any time during the design process.

Domains. Domains are reusable user-defined types or "attribute templates" that promote consistent domain definitions

DeZign for Databases supportsmore than 15 databases including Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, DB2, Azure SQL and PostgreSQL.

8. GenMyModel

GenMyModel began data modeling software that supports ArchiMate (architecture modeling language) and BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). It has a centralized repository model which enable easy and simultaneously models collaboration.

  • Centralized Model Repository
  • Collaborate easily & simultaneously with your team on the same model
  • Fast and Intuitive Interface GenMyModel combines the power of desktop modeling tools with the efficiency of a modern web solution.
  • Industry Standards Compliance A tool which respects 100% of the UML 2.5 standards to model the software, and BPMN 2 standards for  business process.

9. ConceptDraw

ConceptDraw DIAGRAM offers a range of business business-specific add-ons for creating Infographics, diagrams, data visualization, and flowcharts for the business process model.

  • ConceptDraw DIAGRAM v12 provides a comprehensive and drawing tools.
  • Helps to empower communication processes and improve presentation techniques.
  • It uses important business metrics and tracks live object technology.

10. Valentina Studio

Design business reports to run in Valentina Studio Pro, on Valentina Server or in an application with an Application Developer Kit.

  • It Manages multiple databases in tabs and dockable views
  • It can Create/Drop/Alter/Browse Tables, Fields, Indexes, Triggers, Constraints, Links, Views, Stored Procedures, Properties, Sequences, Types, Thus providing chema editing and diagram.
  • Provides for server administration By Adding /dropping users, groups, manage privileges.
  • It provides to Watch live logs, run diagnostics
  • View reports with parameters stored locally and registered on the Valentina server.

• Print a report using parameters stored locally and registered on the Valentina server.

Valentine shape

• Processing your data using local Valentine forms

• Access to the Valentine form in a project registered on the Valentine server


  • Write SQL queries with auto-completion, color syntax
  • Define, manage, save favorite queries; access recent queries
  • Function browser dictionary of each function


Diagnose, compress, clone, defragment, reindex and dump data

11. ER/Studio

Data modelers and architects along with business and IT stakeholders must respond to multiple levels of data-related business needs, to help ensure that the business makes good decisions with the right information

  • With ER/Studio' data modeling and metadata capabilities, it can document critical data elements, business data objects, and regulatory attributes, and show their sources, interactions, and dependencies, in logical and physical data models.
  •  IDERA offers Safyr® solutions to handle this quickly. Safyr analyzes the complex structures and extracts important metadata from ERP, CRM and other enterprise applications, and exports it into a model file that can be brought into ER/Studio Data Architect.

12. Software Ideas Modeler

Software Ideas Modeler is a smart CASE tool and diagram software that supports UML, SysML, ERD, BPMN, ArchiMate, flowcharts, user stories, wireframing

  • Professionally process the user requirements using Advanced Use Case analysis or User Stories depending on your preference.
  • Use E-R diagrams to describe data entities and their relationship. And helps in generation and  creation and change scripts in SQL.
  • Wireframing and UX design The design user interface of the application using User Interface, Web Page, and Mobile App diagrams.
  • Although Software Ideas Modeler offers many advanced features, we do not forget about easy and user-friendly diagram creation
  • This is not an ordinary diagramming software, similar to hundreds of others on the web. It includes the interconnected model of the software. Diagrams are only different views –and can place a model element to multiple diagrams.
  • The diagrams need not to be black and white. The diagram editor offers predefined styles, which makes the diagrams more attractive.
  • The diagrams need not to be black and white. The diagram editor offers predefined styles, which makes the diagrams more attractive.

13. Visible Analyst

Whether you are designing e-business applications, developing a data warehouse, or integrating your legacy systems with new enterprise applications, Visible Analyst has all the power needed. Visible Analyst enables true enterprise application engineering.

  • It helps to Spend less time in requesting and waiting for data, and more time in understanding, analyzing, and gaining actionable insights from the data.
  • Recognizing Patterns in Existing Data. The technicians are trained to spot hidden trends and patterns. Through this process, it gathers, catalogues, annotates, and combines anunderstandable and user-friendly format to streamline critical decisions.
  • Saving Time and Resources At Visible Systems, we understand that traditional data analysis tools are only designed to analyze data that is in a specific format. Since most data is formless and is sourced from different locations. With the help of data discovery, it  can aggregate and format it from various sources to streamline analysis. Which brings the data in the right format, and  ensure timely deliverables. Data discovery is a continuous process and old data is as valuable as fresh data. So it needs to be accumulated, cleaned and stored the existing data besides ensuring that it remains available for future use.
  • Streamlined Data Modeling Unlike outdated data analysis models, with this data discovery it  model the business data using an understandable structure.

14. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is a free graphical tool that enhances productivity and simplifies data modeling tasks.

  • It helps to create, edit, browse, relational, multi-dimensional, and data type models.
  • Forward and reverse engineering capabilities.
  • It supports collaborative development as source code control.
  • It allows  can be used in traditional and cloud environments.
  • It has On-Premise Infrastructure
  • Digital Transformation for Federal Agencies With Oracle's achievement of FedRAMP authorization for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, agencies can experience true IT modernization with Oracle's cloud.
  • Digital Transformation Through Oracle Industry SolutionsDemetris Zambas, global head of data monitoring and management for Pfizer, believes Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench and Oracle Health Sciences Inform connected environment are significant differentiators in clinical data management.
  • Featured On-Premise Products  like E-Business Suite, PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Siebel.

15. IBM InfoSphere Data Architect

IBM® InfoSphere® Data Architect is a collaborative enterprise data modeling and design solution that can simplify and accelerate integration design for Business Intelligence, Master Data Management and Service-Oriented Architecture initiatives.

  • Native data querying  InfoSphere® Data Architect discovers the structure of heterogeneous data sources by examining and analyzing the underlying metadata. It explores the structures using native queries. With the user interface, users can easily browse through the hierarchy of data elements, facilitating an understanding of detailed properties for every element.
  • Import and export of constant mappings Automatically import and export any constant mappings contained within mapping models to and from a csv file using the import/export mapping model wizard.
  • Logical and physical data modelling Create logical data models that describe how your organization wants to collect data and how data objects are related to each other. It uses the physical data model to model how to store the data.
  • Integration with related products Data Architect allows you to create models for DB2, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Teradata source systems. Using the Information engineering notations elements from logical and physical data models are visually represented.

16. DbSchema

DbSchema is a visual database designer & manager for any SQL, NoSQL or Cloud database. The tool enables to design & interact with the database schema, create comprehensive documentation and reports, work offline, synchronize the schema with the database, and so much more. DbSchema helps to graphically design, document, share the schema in a team and deploy it on multiple databases.


· It has an Interactive Layout with relational Data Browsing and Visual Query Builder

· It has HTML5 Documentation with Random Data Generator facility

· It can act as Data Loader with Forms & Reports feature.

· It also has SQL Editor with auto-completion

17. DbWrench

 A database design and synchroniszation tool guaranteed to save time with the database task, DBwrench handles the details to keep focus on design.

  • Makes creating and modifying databases quicker and easier
  • Streamlines many common database tasks
  • Supports many operating systems and databases in a single license
  •  Use generated scripts to apply changes Avoid Hand Coding SQL
  • Use Modeling to Produce Better Database Designs Use ER diagrams to model, analyze and communicate your designs
  • Reverse engineer databases into our database designer in seconds
  • Review all Design Changes Before Applying Them
  • Cross Database Support Run DbWrench with today's most popular database systems. Again all with a single license.

18. DTM Data Modeler

DTM Data Modeler is a CASE tool for database developers that supports both forward and reverse engineering. It allows us to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship diagram. The program allows creating indexes and triggers on the physical level corresponding to the tables of the database that is modelled apart from basic model

  • It has modeling notation.
  • It also provides customised  forward and reverse engineering process.
  • Supports Logical and Physical database models.
  • Database objects tree-like browser. Editors for indexes, stored procedures, and triggers

Database independent. It has a feature which allows to work with Microsoft SQL Server database as well as with Oracle or DB2 database.
DTM Data Modeler supports almost all database interfaces

  • The tool has all the basic features including procedures, indexes and triggers to model as well as entities (tables) and relationships.It also enables to change the target database system.
  • It has and Internal ER-model reporting tool and a brief HTML report can be generated for the model.


Database Schema Design and Modeling Tool. It allows to create a database without wiring single SQL code.

  • Simple User Interface The user interface may look simple but it is fully-featured and powerful, Fast and easy to use with every possible needed feature.
  • Reverse & Forward Engineer options helps to Reduce errors and save time.
  • Option to Import an existing database or start from new. Generate an SQL script for every major database engine with one click.
  • Collaborate & Share Invite and share access (Owner, Editors, Viewers) is very simple. And can simultaneously work on the model with features like  live comments/chat to collaborate with the team.
  • Designing & Modeling Fast navigation. Keyboard shortcuts. Instant save with history. Copy & Paste. Undo & Redo. Cloning. Live validation. Automatic layout. Notes & Comments.
  • View Modes:-  Automatic sorting and layout. Grid view. Bezier or Cornered line type. Change table and line colors. Option to show/hide default values etc.
  • Export Options In addition to generating SQL script for all major database engines, you can also export your database in image (PNG) or pdf. You can also create a public view link. More export options coming soon (JPG and XML)
  • Friendly UI for Modeling DB Designer's user interface is specifically designed to be simple and user friendly. The database design tool offers more features than other commercial alternatives and can be used anywhere on any browser.
  • Fast & Reliable DB Design Tool The online designer has all the features that are needed. Features like Mini-Map for navigation, keyboard instant save Copy & Paste, Undo & Redo, Table Cloning, Automatic layout, Notes & Comments make database designing fun and save you lot of time.

20. MagicDraw

MagicDraw is the award-winning business process, architecture, software and system modeling tool with teamwork support. Designed for Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Programmers, QA Engineers, and Documentation Writers, this dynamic and versatile development tool facilitates analysis and design of Object Oriented (OO) systems and databases. It provides the industry's best code engineering mechanism (with full round-trip support for Java, C++, C#, CL (MSIL) and CORBA IDL programming languages), as well as database schema modeling, DDL generation and reverse engineering facilities.

Industry standards-compliance and support MagicDraw makes it easy to deploy a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) environment that best suits the needs of your business. It integrates with many leading products: IDEs, requirements, testing, estimation, MDD, database, and others.

Independence from specific development methodology MagicDraw provides independence from any specific software development process, conforming nicely to your company process; allowing centralization of business and process modeling, requirements capture and design.

MagicDraw is not tied to any one phase of your project. Start MagicDraw from any point in your architecture and modeling process; it doesn't matter.

Usability, intuitiveness and quick start

MagicDraw provides intuitive controls and  allows users to model without having to spend time learning about the controls

21. Extensibility

With UML Profiles and custom diagrams it extends standard UML 2 to fit the specific problem domain. The Open API, you can extend functionality to include new design patterns, metrics, transformations and other plugins. It has  customized report generation and users can tailor documentation to fit their requirement.

22. Collaboration and Team Development

Using MagicDraw's Teamwork Server, multiple developers can work simultaneously on the same model. The  team collaboration becomes faster and it provides the controlled access to the artifacts, remote access to the model and an optimal way to manage your model and avoid conflicts

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1. It Promotes quick learning with intuitive interface
Easy access to the most common operations is a cornerstone of MagicDraw's user interface. Because all major commands are reachable through a single click,  focuses on modeling.

2. Creates diagrams fast
With features like these – On-diagram editing, Automatic completion of Attributes, Operations, Parameters types, Pick Lists for types and names find MagicDraw indispensable while work more swiftly than ever before.

 3. Derives models from existing source code in just seconds
MagicDraw's reverse engineering is the fastest way to get UML models from Java, C#, C++, CORBA IDL, EJB 2.0, DDL, CIL (MSIL), WSDL, and XML Schema source code.

4. Visualizes your model in a few quick steps
MagicDraw's automatic generation of static structure, package dependency, and hierarchy diagrams allows multiple views of the same model.

5. Work collaboratively on the same model
Using MagicDraw's Teamwork Server, multiple developers can work simultaneously on the same model.

6. Automatic report generation
MagicDraw's automatic report generation engine rapidly-produce comprehensive, professional requirements, software design documentation, and other types of reports in HTML, PDF, and RTF formats.

7. Extends UML capabilities beyond UML 2
UML Profiles and custom diagrams allow users to extend standard UML to fit their specific problem domain.

8. Work quickly between modeling domains
With MagicDraw model transformations, you can quickly go back and forth from one modeling domain to another

9. Quickly customized model navigation
With MagicDraw hyperlinks, you can link to any model element, to elements in other diagrams, different models, and files or documents outside the model.


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